How to Install a Samsung Printer on Ubuntu

How to install samsung printer for ubuntu

Installation of deposit


  • Have the administrative rights .
  • Have a configured and enabled Internet connection.


Change your sources of updates to include the deposit following:

deb debian extra

Add the authentication key :

sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Note: As of May 14, 2016, the authentication key is to be retrieved via the package installation suldr-keyring .

Installation procedure day on

Reload the package list :

sudo apt-get update

Driver Installation for printers

Above all make sure that your printer is unplugged. Do not connect the computer to your once properly installed drivers. The latest driver available in the repositories that you can install as follows Suld-driver2-1.00.21 , but it has no graphic Samsung manager.
If you want to access your Samsung printers with a dedicated GUI, install the package : Suld-configurator 2-qt4 in this case it is the pilot Suld-driver-1.4.17 will be installed. It supports some of Samsung printers but not the newer models.

Printer Setup WiFi using the SyncThru ™ Web Service

The service SyncThru Web Samsung can manage your printer across the network. The menu printers with access to Web SyncThru ™ does not configure theirWiFi (SSID, key …). Only a WPS service is provided but the majority of internet box (including Freebox) do not have this configuration mode. To work around this problem you must:

  1. Connect the printer to the box using a network cable,
  2. Access the SyncThru Web application printer http: //192.168.1.XX/sws/index.html . For this it is necessary to know the IP address of the printer by connecting to the HMI of Directors of its box. For example for the Freebox Revolution, access and “Network Devices”.
  3. Connect administrator SyncThru
    • ID: admin
    • Password: sec00000
  4. Access the Network Configuration menu: Settings / Config. network
  5. Access the setup menu WiFi : Wireless / Assistant
  6. Follow the wizard to configure your WiFi .
  7. Disconnect the network cable.

Multifunction Scanner installation

uSB Scanner

Some scanners are supported natively by Single-scan and Xsane without manipulation. So try one of these applications before proceeding further. (You can also check their compatibility on the project page SANE (in)and see the Samsung printer list ).

First you have to follow Part I of the wiki on scanners USB . Make sure first that Suld-driver-1.4.17 is installed. If you have a scanner connected to the network it is recommended to have also installed Suld-configurator 2-qt4 and samsungmfp scanner .
Add, if not already done so, your user group “lp” and “saned” :

sudo adduser $ USERNAME lp saned

It may also be that you had to modify two files louse add the references of your scanner. First get the references of your scanner by typing in a terminal :


The terminal must send you something like this (eg for Samsung SCX-3400):

found USB scanner (vendor = 0x04e8 [Samsung] product = 0x344f [SCX-3400]) at libusb: 001: 006

Edit this file (You can find the file for your printer from the list below ):

gksudo gedit /etc/sane.d/xerox_mfp.conf

By adding this to the end (To be adjusted according to your model):

# Samsung SCX-3400
usb 0x04e8 0x344f

Do the same for the file:

gksudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules

By adding this:

# Samsung SCX-3400
ATTRS idVendor {} == "04e8" ATTRS idProduct {} == "344f", ENV {} libsane_matched = "yes"

Udev restart by typing in a terminal:

sudo restart udev Service

Your scanner should now work.

network Scanner

In some cases the scanners connected to a network using the backend Xerox_mfp . If it is not detected, edit the file to add the IP address of the scanner:

gksudo gedit /etc/sane.d/xerox_mfp.conf

If your scanner still does not follow the instructions below .

Samsung Unified Driver

Although more difficult and having no advantages over the deposit, as we can use the unified Samsung Drivers .

  1. Download the driver here , or the latest version directly from the Samsung website (However, it is best to navigate to the driver by choosing the printer model on the site, because the driver version may vary).
  2. extract the archive in personal file,
  3. Open a terminal and run the command:

    sudo ./uld/
  4. Answer questions, accept the license and everything is done automatically.

You can also download and install the Smart Panel and the printer setup utility here . How useful the SmartPanel with the latest graphics driver not? And what is the PSU?

fixing known issues

The printer will print in reverse video

If the printer prints “backwards” ie white on black, or just a small column on the left, but not the entire width, this applies to you:

You probably have a too recent version of the driver, such as packet-Suld driver2-1.00.35 must try with an older version, also available on the bchemnet deposit, eg Suld-driver2-1.00.27 package

pdf printing difficulties

If you have difficulty printing pdf install the package: Suld-printer-pdf-fix

Difficulties in detecting the USB scanner

If your scanner does not work try installing the package: Suld-scanner-usblp-fix . 

And finally, you have a working Samsung Printer for your Ubuntu. Enjoy!

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About the Author: admin

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